Sunday, November 29, 2009


Pants on Fire

Pants on fire is about a boy called Tony who gets really unusual super cool undies from his grandma.  When Tony gets his pants in the mail he absolutely loves them!  They were orange with black dots.  Tony wanted to show them off at school.  When Tony went school everyone crowded him. Tony friends were saying that they wanted to borrow his pants. When tony went into class the teacher asked him why he was wearing just his undies into school and he said that he didn't have any other pants. Then heaps of terrifying sparks came flying out of his pants. Just then the teacher had a blank face and then the teacher said oh I'm sorry for asking you then they went back to their work.
The next day when they were doing their work Tony said he was allergic to paper so he didn't have to do his work. Then sparks came flying out of Tony's pants and the teachers face was blank. Just then the teacher came running up to Tony and said, " I'm so sorry ill ring someone and see if they can help". Then the teacher came back and said, " They said they wont be able to help so I guess we wont do any work'. Tony was really happy. His pants must hypnotize people when they lie!

The next day when Tony went to school it was p.e Tony said another lie to get of p.e and his pants caught on fire! he ran behind a tree and pulled his pants off, then all the class saw his pants on the ground!

Just then the pants started chasing him! Tony ran really fast then his friends ran after Tony. Tony and his friends had an idea, They would lie to the pants so they would explode! So Tony and his friends lied to the terrifying pants and the pants made a huge bang noise and then all they saw was ashes. Then the teacher came and saw Tony with no pants on and gave him a jacket to tie around him. Tony said he would never lie again.

I think this book was very good and funny i give it a 10 out of 10
This book was written by Victoria Lloyd

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just Shocking

This is a very funny book called Just Shocking.

This book has lots of different, funny stories. One of the stories is called And-Bot. This story is about a boy called Andy who tries to be a robot. His parents force him to do jobs and they lock him in the closet because they said robots need sleep. While he is locked in the closet he finds a talking vacuum cleaner! Then his parents let him out. Andy doesn't want to be a robot anymore so he says he's an alien. There are lots of other funny stories.  One of the other stories is one that you can pick what thing he does next.

I think this book was really good i hive it an 8 out of ten.

This book was illustrated by Terry Denton.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Real Keen Baked Bean

         Reel Keen Baked Bean
This book is filled with poems, chants and jokes that will make you laugh.

One of the poems in this book goes like this, Hey diddle diddle the cat did a piddle behind the kitchen door. The little dog laughed to see such fun, so the cat did a little bit more.

This book has lots of silly jokes.  Another one of them is roses are red, cabbages are green, you've got a figure like a washing machine.

This book was made by June Factor and illustrated by Annie Marshall
I think this book was very funny and I give it a 10 out of 10.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Judy Moody Gets Famous

When Judy Moody goes to school one day, she sees Jessica Finch wearing a tiara. Jessica said that she won the spelling bee test and she even got her picture in the paper. Judy Moody wants to get famous. She asked her parents if they ever had their photo in the paper and they had. Her brother had been in the paper and even her best friend had. Judy Moody had never had her picture in the newspaper and she tried and tried but she just couldn't get famous. Then one day Judy reads the newspaper and sees that there is a competition for pets and the winner gets their picture in the paper. Judy makes her cat make toast and she comes second place. When the man takes the photo Judy's cat jumps out of her arms and she missed the photo! And when Judy reads the article it says her name is Judy Muddy! Then a few days later she has an idea. She is going to try to break a world record. Judy Moody decides to try do the human centipede to break the record.  Judy Moody gets all her friends and when they start it Judy steps on her friends finger! Judy's mum goes to the hospital with Judy's friend and the doctor said that he has a broken finger. Judy Moody goes into the playroom and she sees a box of dolls' body parts. Judy Moody steals them and when she gets home she puts all the body parts back together and returns them to the hospital. Then Judy sees the newspaper and it says someone stole the toys and then Judy sees that it said that they thank her for putting all the body parts back together. Finally Judy is famous.

I think this book was good. I give it a 9 out of ten.
This book was made by Megan McDonald and illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Mermaid's Tail

The Mermaids Tail

Crystal wants to be a mermaid.   She tries everything she can think of doing, to be a mermaid. She swung her legs under the table.  Then she walked in tiny steps when she got down from the table.  Whenever Crystal goes to bed she says I wish I was a mermaid.   One night her mum made her a mermaid's tail.  Crystal wore it everywhere.  She wore it shopping, she wore it to the beach, she wore it in the bath and she went to school with it on.  She went everywhere with it on.  Crystal really wanted to wear it to bed but it always seemed to be wet.  One night Crystal didn't have time to have a bath,  so she went to bed and her mermaid's tail wasn't wet.   She thought her parents wouldn't mind if she wore it to bed so she did.    Crystal woke up hearing a eeeee sound.  She found out it was a dolphin tapping on her window.  Finally she said, "I'm a mermaid."  She swam outside and played with the dolphins and swam around playing with all the fish.   And then she realised that if she stayed a mermaid forever she would miss her parents too much.  So she swam up up up and then she found herself in her bed.  She woke up and walked into the kitchen and her parents said, " where is your mermaid's tail?"
"Oh," said Crystal, "I want to be a bumble bee."

I think this book was really good. I give it an eight out of ten.

This book was made by Raewyn Caisley and illustrated my Ann James

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Strongest Girl in the World

Josie is the strongest girl in the world.   She is only eight years old. It all started when Josie was at school and a boy got his head stuck in the bars of a gate.  Josie felt a tingle in her body and then she pulled apart the bars on the gate and the boy got his head out.  Everyone thought it was a joke until Josie had competitions with the strongest person in London.  Josie wins all of them.   Josie and her family get taken to New York.    Josie is in magazines, commercials, and much more.  They get heaps of money but the person who made them sign the contract to go to New York is keeping all their money to himself.   Then one day the Brooklyn Bridge was falling down.   Josie got called to try to lift up the Brooklyn Bridge. S o she sneaked out of their house because the bad person wouldn't let them go out and she did it!  The bad man was so mad and he made them pay $500,000.  But then some people came in and they had a talk with him and Josie didn't have to pay all that money. Josie and her family really wanted to go home so they left.   On the way to the airport the mayor came running over to Josie and gave her HEAPS of money and they flew home in first class and Josie lost her powers.    She was really upset but then when they were home everything was back to normal and Josie was happy because she was back with her friends.

This book was really good. I give it a nine out of ten.

This book was made by Sally Gardner

Sunday, October 18, 2009


This book is about a dog called Spud who does everything he wants but one day his owner has to go to Turkey. Spud hears his owner talking about it to her friends on the phone and Spud thinks she's going to eat turkey for two weeks. Spud's owner doesn't know what to do with him so she talks to her friends and one decides to look after him. When the new owner took him for walks he would always pull so hard that the owner would fall over and later that day he escaped. When he escaped he went to his house and saw that it was all locked up and then another person called Mrs Mavis clipped Spud on a lead and took Spud into a car. Mrs Mavis has lots of dogs that are very well trained and Mrs Mavis is very strict with her dogs. When Spud went to sleep at Mrs Mavis's house he woke up and started eating everything in the cupboard because he was starving. Then Mrs Mavis woke up and came into his room and saw he had been eating everything and then Spud started being sick and Mrs Mavis kicked him outside and he climbed under the fence and a little kid called Rosie saw him. She took him home and asked her mum if she could have him until his owner gets back but her mum said no. Rosie took Spud to the cat lady's house. Spud started to feel a little bit better because he could chase cats. About three days later Spud's owner came home. He was so happy. Spud is back to normal doing what he wants and eating chocolates.

This book was really good and I think it is good for people beginning to read chapter books. I give this book a nine out of ten.

This book was made by Alison Prince.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Emily H and the Stranger in the Castle

This book is about a girl called Emily H who lives in a castle with her grandmother. One day she finds the biggest spider in the world. Her neighbour is famous for getting spiders and cutting them open to look for special things inside them. The professor keeps on trying to steal the spider from Emily H. One day Emily H and her grandmother start losing money so they give tours around the house and show people the spider. The professor is desperate to steal the spider so he disguises himself and goes into to their house. He finds the spider and steals it but then he slips on the stairs and Emily H recognises him and all the other people do too. The professor runs away and he loses his job.
I think this book is a good book for people to read this is a good chapter book because it is short. I give this book an eight out of ten.
This book was written by Kara M and illustrated by John Brunello